Friday, March 30, 2012


          It seems like nowadays, everyone has a blog. I have to be honest, at first I didn't really see the point in so many people having one. I mean, how many people really care what so many people think on the most random topics? Usually the people who actually do care what you have to say are the people you most likely speak with on a daily basis. Then I read some blogs from people that inspired. I do not know these people personally, but they spoke about things that I am passionate about, and proided insight in these topics that I did not have. Lately, I've had so many different things on my mind, that I feel like I need to get out and share with the world, so I broke down and decided to start a blog myself. I'm not sure if people are actually ever going to take the time to read what I have to say, but I'm not really concerned with attracting so many readers as I am with getting my thoughts out there and possibly helping people if I can. I am going to be upfront with you from the start, what I am most passionate about is working with children with special needs, particularly children with Autism. I am a teacher in a school for children with Autism and I absolutely love my job. I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life. I can hardly even see myself working in a different school. I truly believe that my school does a tremendous job not only catering to the needs of our students, but also providing parents with resources they need as well. My AP treats the students like they are her grandchildren and her staff like her children. She puts so much of her own money into programs that she thinks will benefit our students. If you come to her with an idea and are enthusiastic about it, not only will she match your enthusiasm, she will also do what she can to help it come to fruition. How many people can say their AP will pay for expensive programs such as "Your Baby Can Read" and TV Teacher out of pocket? I am truly blessed to be a part of such an incredible school and to be able to do what I love for a living? Most of my posts will relate to Autism, providing my own insight into behaviors, sensory issues and my favorite, the little victories, that working with such a population teaches you to grasp onto and celebrate.

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